How Chickens See

how chickens see

Chickens see in four wavelengths: blue, red, green and ultraviolet light, whereas humans only see in three: blue, red and green. The chicken’s unique motion-detecting cone allows the bird to hone in on the item until it can clearly see the object.

You may have noticed when you walk around your pet chickens that they bob their heads and/or tilt their head to one side. They do this to gain a clearer image. Depth, distance, and movement are the three visual acuities that aid the chicken in finding its food.

So what does all this have to do with the Chicken Spinner?

The Chicken Spinner is different from other poultry feeders in that it capitalizes on these unique optical characteristics of the chicken’s eye and their motion-detecting cone in addition to their tetra-chromatic vision.

When a treat is placed onto the Chicken Spinner or Chicken Slider, the motion of the feeder engages the chicken’s senses. In the case where there are multiple birds engaged around the feeder, they are focused on the treat rather than on each other, thereby minimizing food guarding, resulting in a happier flock. Pretty awesome, huh?

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