The Original Chicken Spinner

A Fun Poultry Feeder for Your Pet Chickens

Chickens are fun animals and make excellent pets. Not only are they smart but very entertaining, and useful to boot! Who doesn’t want free eggs? Feeding them, however, can be a bit tricky. Backyard chickens LOVE to trample their food and fling it all about! The dominant bird may tend to “food guard” which keeps the rest of the flock from the food and breaking that habit can be challenging.

The Chicken Spinner is the Answer!

The Chicken Spinner is a fun, entertaining enrichment feeder for your pet chickens. Food guarding is nearly eliminated! With the Chicken Spinner, food is easily accessible from all angles and the added movement, as it swings, will allow all of your hens and roos easier access. It also keeps food out of the dirt so it stays cleaner and safer for your backyard poultry to eat.

the chicken slider

The Chicken Spinner is an outstanding solution for food items that you can skewer, like apples, pears, cabbage and pumpkins. And don’t worry, for other food items that are not as easy to skewer, such as, leaf lettuce, broccoli, and corn, we’ve introduced The Chicken Slider!

The Chicken Spinner and Chicken Slider were designed to be easy to use and allow all of your pet chicken’s favorite foods to be readily available.

the chicken slider

The Chicken Spinner is an outstanding solution for food items that you can skewer, like apples, pears, cabbage and pumpkins. And don’t worry, for other food items that are not as easy to skewer, such as, leaf lettuce, broccoli, and corn, we’ve introduced The Chicken Slider!

The Chicken Spinner and Chicken Slider were designed to be easy to use and allow all of your pet chicken’s favorite foods to be readily available.