Choosing the Right Pet Companion

choosing a pet companion

They say a dog is a man’s best friend. Or woman’s, in our little family’s case. And that old saying could fit any type of companionship; whether it be a cat, chicken, lizard, or whatever species one decides to bring in their life. The fun part when bringing in a new companion – a first time companion or an addition into your family – is choosing said companion.

And how would one know they’re choosing the right companion?

Think of it as how you choose your human friends. You meet someone and then something inside you just screams “I WANT TO BE FRIENDS WITH THAT PERSON!” You introduce yourself, you talk, bond over something in common, and you gain a new relationship.
Now, it may not always work out with that person or even a few people that you come across in life. But with animals, they don’t really care about anything else if you feed them, protect them, and give them attention when they want it. They’re funny that way. But worth it in the long run.

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Let’s pretend you’re adopting a dog.
Think about your lifestyle and if there are specific characteristics you’re looking for. Like an energetic, pup that will go running with you in the mornings. Or maybe adopting a senior from the shelter to just snuggle up, enjoy life by the fire with a good show on the T.V.

The next step is searching for that companion. Are you going to a breeder that recently had a liter? Are you going to the shelter? Do you have a friend or know someone that is rehoming their dog? You’ll be seeing a variety of faces. From fluffy ears to short haired pointed ears, long snouts to smushed faces. Don’t let all the faces trick you into taking every single one of them home. Because they will con you into that with their wagging tales and sloppy kisses. You’ll look at one of them, pet them, talking and playing with them a little bit. And then a little light in their eyes and your eyes will turn on, making a connection and know that dog is the dog for you.

When all is said and done, enjoy your time with your new companion. Your partner in crime. Because…

They may not be your world, but to them, you are their world.

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