Happy Chickens Make Happy Eggs

fresh chicken eggs

I know you read that as abundant eggs, right? Our hens were selected due to the number of eggs they lay on average and how well they get along with other breeds. Our girls are happy and are some of the best producers. In an earlier blog, Roger explained about the cone of vision, so in using the Spinner or Slider, chickens really do have to focus on their food instead of the other chickens. This greatly reduces aggression in the flock and facilitates happy chickens! I’ve learned that if a chicken is being pecked on, it does affect their egg-laying.

So you’ve done everything you can to make your hens, happy hens, and they are producing like mad, right? Fresh eggs are so much richer than store-bought and, if you’re like us, you can only eat so many of these wonderfully rich eggs each day.

egg peopleWe love eggs prepared just about any way you can. We eat them poached, boiled, scrambled or in omelets and frittatas, deviled, in quiche and in baked desserts. Although I haven’t tried coddled or baked eggs, I’m game to. Years ago, we made “egg in a hole”, which was a slice of toast with the center cut out and an egg cracked inside and fried. Yummy and messy equals great kid food!

I grew up eating fried eggs, but we have gotten away from frying for the most part. I just harvested all the green tomatoes, so I may have to break that rule for a fried green tomato, bacon, lettuce, and fried egg sandwich. If you’re going, you may as well go all the way!

I read recently that eggs are a gateway to justifying any food as breakfast food. We love breakfast for dinner… and for lunch! What is your favorite way to prepare your eggs? We’d love to know!

Above image via www.funnyfoodart.com

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